Tuesday, 11/15/22
7:30am: Solar Energy Breakfast Series: Distributed Solar in Johnson County
Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/2Vydg09Ui
12:00-1:00pm: Truth Tuesday Rally with Indivisible Iowa at the Corner of 8th Ave & 2nd Street SE Cedar Rapids Iowa
Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/2swqG0qF1
1:00pm: Johnson County Board of Supervisors Canvass of Votes- 2nd Floor Boardroom, Johnson County Administration Building (913 South Dubuque St)
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84388010803?pwd=ewdruutsbkdkqitmbgv1vc9yogc0zz09
Agenda Link: http://johnsoncountyia.iqm2.com/Citizens/FileOpen.aspx?Type=14&ID=3163&Inline=True
4:00pm: Marion City Council Work Session- City Hall (1225 6th Ave)
Agenda Link: City of Marion – Meeting Information (civicweb.net)
4:00pm: Iowa City Council Work Session- Emma J Harvat Hall at City Hall (410 E. Washington St)
Agenda Link: https://iowacity.novusagenda.com/AgendaPublic/MeetingView.aspx?MeetingID=1491&MinutesMeetingID=-1&doctype=Agenda
5:30pm: Iowa City Community Police Review Board Meeting- Helling Conference Room at City Hall (410 E. Washington St)
Agenda Link: https://www.iowa-city.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=2099775&dbid=0&repo=CityofIowaCity&cr=1
6:00pm: Iowa City Council Meeting- Emma J Harvat Hall at City Hall (410 E. Washington St)
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hTJ6uXG_RAG-d-XFxQjUpg
Agenda Link: https://iowacity.novusagenda.com/AgendaPublic/MeetingView.aspx?MeetingID=1498&MinutesMeetingID=-1&doctype=Agenda
6:00-7:30pm: ACLU of Iowa Reproductive Rights Volunteer Recruitment Phone Bank
Web Link: Reproductive Rights Volunteer Recruitment Phone Bank (everyaction.com)
6:00-7:30pm: South District Neighborhood Association Meeting- SD Schools
Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/3fXTBpvDb
“For more information, and/or to get on our email list, please write to us at Southdistrictneighborhood@gmail.com”
6:00-8:00pm: Virtual Session: Modern Approaches to Helping Individuals and Families Impacted by Substance Abuse
6:00-9:00pm: Iowa City: NTDC: Child Development AND Trauma Informed Parenting *IN PERSON
6:30pm: Moving Beyond Land Acknowledgement and Token Representation
At Iowa Theater, IMU
6:30-8:00pm: Carbon Capture and Storage: Climate Savior OR False Solution?
Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/3OHIV8WKo
Web Link: https://bit.ly/3U91pDR
7:00pm: Tiffin City Council Meeting- City Hall (300 Railroad St)
Agenda Link: https://tiffin-iowa.org/city-government/
Wednesday, 11/16/22
All Day- Foodies Fighting Homelessness
Web Link: Foodies Fighting Homelessness – Shelter House (shelterhouseiowa.org)
9:00am: Johnson County Board of Supervisors Work Session
Agenda Link:
12:00pm: Cedar Rapids CSD Audit Committee Meeting- Educational Leadership & Support Center 2500 Edgewood Rd NW, Cedar A Conference Room
Agenda Link: https://crschools.us/app/uploads/2022/11/Audit-Committee-11.16.22.docx.pdf
12:00-1:00pm: Question. Persuade. Refer. – Ag Professionals & Producers
Web Link: Details of Event | Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Human Sciences (iastate.edu)
1:00-3:00pm: Adventure Prairie Seed Harvest
5:00-6:00pm: November LTE Warriors with Planned Parenthood Supporters of Eastern Iowa
Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/pwTEESzdC
Interested but can’t see the link? Request to join the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/341213509606788
5:30pm: An Evening at Teamster’s Hall with Art Cullen and Kevin Burt- 5000 J Street SW CR
Web Link: BCTGM 100G Call to Action /Help | Iowa Labor News
5:30pm: Marion City Council Work Session- City Hall (1225 6th Ave)
Agenda Link: City of Marion – Meeting Type List (civicweb.net)
5:30-7:30pm: Lemme Eats Fundraiser 10% of ALL food orders (Kiosk, coffee bar, CHOMP, etc.) go toward supporting our Lemme PTA.
6:00-7:00pm: Reimagining Criminal Justice Systems
Through Eyes that Have Cried- Old Capitol Museum, Senate Chambe
8:00-9:00pm: Orientation for Prospective Foster/Adoptive Parents: ONLINE or phone
Thursday, 11/17/22
All Day- Donation Drop-off for Ingredion Strikers- 1100 1st St SW CR
Call the Emma Goldman Clinic to ask if they need escorts for clinic today! (319) 337-2111. This starts at 7am!
Lemme Families: Lemme Fall Conferences (signupgenius.com)
9:00am: Johnson County Board of Supervisors Formal Meeting
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84388010803?pwd=ewdruutsbkdkqitmbgv1vc9yogc0zz09
Agenda Link: johnsoncountyia.iqm2.com/Citizens/FileOpen.aspx?Type=14&ID=3169&Inline=True
10:15am-1:45pm: Blood Drive at Boulware Community MERF Atrium
Web Link: Make an Appointment – DeGowin Blood Center (uidegowinbloodcenter.org)
12:00-1:00pm: ICCSD Mental Health, Special Education, and Disability Advocacy Group meeting with ICCSD Omsbudperson
Web Link: https://forms.gle/eYNenprmMbqo6xuBA
2:30-5:30pm: Volunteers needed at Eastern Iowa Diaper Bank
Contact Heike at 319-364-8909 or hwagner@ypniowa.org for more info.
4:00-5:30pm: Freedom Dreams Episode 2 with Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
4:00-10:00pm: Community Night at The Vue Rooftop for Summer of The Arts
Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/2GGNQr47F
5:00pm: Marion Community Equity Task Force Meeting- City Hall (1225 6th Ave)
Agenda Link:: City of Marion – Meeting Information (civicweb.net)
6:00-7:30pm: Ingredion Strike Support with Cedar Rapids DSA- 1100 1st St SW CR
6:30-8:00pm: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two Spirit Informational at LNACC
7:00pm: Iowa City Truth & Reconciliation Commision Meeting- Emma Harvat Hall in City Hall (410 E. Washington St)
Agenda Link: Ad Hoc Truth and Reconciliation Commission | City of Iowa City (icgov.org)
7:00pm: Iowa Exit Poll Briefing | Progress Iowa Power Hour
Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/3KXJyMSPe
Friday, 11/18/22
10:00am-4:00pm: Volunteers needed at Central Furniture Rescue
Call (319) 382-2882 for info
12:00pm: Lunch & Learn with Iowa Chapter Sierra Club
Facebook Link: Iowa Chapter Sierra Club | Facebook
12:00-1:00pm: Crossroads- Could My Neighbor Be Hungry?
Web Link: Trans Day of Remembrance: Understanding Violence – One Iowa
Before 5pm: Meal needed at The Bird House-Hospice Home of Johnson County (6 adults)
Web Link: Meal Train for Hospice Home of Johnson County
4:00-7:00pm: City High Fall Fundraiser Sale- City High Upper Cafeteria
5:00pm: Friends of the Animal Center Foundation Old Hollywood Gala
Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/4TkYV0DBc
Web Link: www.facf.org/events/2022gala
Saturday, 11/19/22
9:00am-12:00pm: Volunteers needed at Central Furniture Rescue
Call (319) 382-2882 for info
12:30-1:30pm: Repro Rights Coffee Chat
Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/2k8vwqkzz
1:00-4:00pm: Houses Into Homes Delivery Day
Web Link: HiH Delivery Day Volunteers: Houses into Homes Delivery Day Volunteer (signupgenius.com)
4:00-7:00pm: Volunteer hours at Iowa City Catholic Worker
Call (515) 729-6482 to inquire
Sunday, 11/20/22
12:00-4:00pm: Volunteer hours at Iowa City Catholic Worker
Call (515) 729-6482 to inquire
Before 5pm: Meal needed at The Bird House-Hospice Home of Johnson County (6 adults)
Web Link: Meal Train for Hospice Home of Johnson County
8:00-9:00pm: Orientation for Prospective Foster/Adoptive Parents: ONLINE or phone
All Week
Iowa City Toy Redistribution Project is accepting donations of quality used toys to be gifted for the holidays!! Fill out the form at Toy Donations — IC Toy Redistribution (squarespace.com) or email ictoyredistribution@gmail.com with a description of the toys you have ready for a new home! You can learn more at Teaming up in Iowa City to get kids Christmas toys (kcrg.com) and share the Facebook event, found at https://fb.me/e/2eInAi6aO. Invite all your friends!
Big Grove Brewery Giveback for Shelter House-Iowa City: 20% of this week’s sales from Big Grove’s specialty limited menu will support Shelter House’s mission. Big Grove will also be accepting and matching every donation of new underwear.
Houses Into Homes in Coralville needs help Monday through Saturday this week. Sign up at HiH Warehouse Group: Houses into Homes Warehouse Volunteer Shifts (signupgenius.com)
- Together We Achive in Cedar Rapids (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4caaa729a6fec52-iowa) needs help in the resource center Tuesday through Saturday
- CommUnity Crisis Services and Food Bank in Iowa City needs help in the Food Bank Monday through Saturday (Volunteers: CommUnity Food Pantry at Pepperwood Plaza Volunteer Signup (signupgenius.com), and with mobile deliveries Tue- Fri (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0a45afa922a6fd0-mobile)
- Ronald McDonald House in Iowa City needs meals every day this week. Sign up at Ronfaald McDonald House Iowa City – RMHC-EIWI
Donate to our Holiday Gift Card drive! Cards can be sent to Corridor Community Action Network, c/o Iowa City Fab Lab, 870 S. Capitol St, Iowa City, IA 52245. We are trying to balance out toy redistribution by including holiday meal support as well as gifts for teens and possibly adults, so good choices include grocery stores, Walmart, Target, shoe stores, app points, malls, movie theatres, art supply stores, etc. Want to help even more? Host a drive for us online or at work! Have used toys quality toys that are no longer getting use? Iowa City Toy Redistribution Project would love to get them to a child who will love them. Learn more at https://ictoyredistribution.squarespace.com/
Sign COGS Petition For Reproductive Justice, addreseed to the University of Iowa, via COGS Petition for Reproductive Justice – UE Local 896 – COGS
Try 8-10, “a delicious Recovery Red IPA” made by Backpocket Brewing and 100% of sales will be donated to Trees Forever ReLeaf Cedar Rapids Plan!
Sign up as a virtual volunteer for Corridor Community Action Network! Help with our Instagram, Twitter, or Facebooks accounts (literally just checking and sharing other pages’ posts) or our email list, write weekly legislative updates or other posts, review city council/county board/school board agendas (even just your own town/district) for potential calls to action, email potential sponsors, send organizational emails, or help with grant writing. Email director@corridorcan.com and tell us how you would like to get involved!
Buy 988 swag via causeteam.com/causepages/detail/community-crisis-services to benefit CommUnity Crisis Services.
Order the officially licensed Black Panther Wakanda Forever coffee collection from Black-owned, Des Moines based roaster BLK & Bold via https://blkandbold.com/pages/marvel-studios-black-panther-wakanda-forever-collection and 5% of the sale will be donated “to programs supporting underserved youth nationwide” Learn more at https://www.weareiowa.com/article/money/business/small-business/blk-and-bold-coffee-marvel-studios-collection-black-panther-wakanda-forever/524-b79f7b92-1af7-4136-8164-e5628a87044d
Support Cedar Rapids workers striking against Ingredion, Inc. by joining them on the picket line or dropping off food/drinks/supplies at 1001 1st Street, SW; sending a letter of encouragement to strikeline organizer Jason Davis via jmdavisbctgm@gmail.com so he can share them with other workers; donating to their strike fund via Fundraiser by Ryan Hocke : BCTGM 100G membership assistance fund (gofundme.com); petitioning the Ingredion CEO to Bargain a Fair Contract and End Strike in Cedar Rapids, Iowa via https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-ingredion-ceo-bargain-a-fair-contract-and-end-strike-in-cedar-rapids-iowa?source=twitter&fbclid=IwAR0Piv15vmWXHYB2-0ppFHqxMDXEUHdhNU28jHwKT7hP8L5GvdEFyPu2aUI and/or or spreading the word by following BCTGM on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share updates and following/using the hashtag #IngredionStrike
Apply to serve on the Johnson County Board of Health, Conservation Board, or other county board via https://www.johnsoncountyiowa.gov/vacancies
“Gain insight into Black history, white privilege and what to do to be actively anti-racist” from 1-4pm any day this week by signing up at How To Understand White Privilege and Be Actively Anti-Racist Tickets, Mon 27 Dec 2021 at 19:00 | Eventbrite
Mobile Community Clothing Closet Update!
Unfortunately, the RV used for CCAN Clothes Cruise was broken into and damaged last week. Read about the incident at Corridor Commmunity Action Network’s CCAN Clothes Cruise RV broken into (kcrg.com)
Thankfully, the damage is fixable and we expect to be back on the road soon, which is crucial with the winter weather and widespread need for appropriate gear- but we need your help! If you can donate to assist with the cost of repairs, we would greatly appreciate it-
Financial contributions can be made via:
Checks mailed to Corridor Community Action Network, C/O Iowa City Fab Lab, 870 S. Capitol St, Iowa City, IA 52240
Venmo at corridorcan,
CashApp at $CorridorCAN,
Paypal at paypal.me/CorridorCAN,
Prior to the break-in, we had completed two distributions this season and we are still gearing up for more. We are in serious need of heavy-duty winter gear- coats, boots, socks, gloves, hats, etc! We are temporarily accepting only those items and hygiene/health donations, as we need to distribute some of the incredible clothing we received while out of service due to our Director’s health issue. Items can be dropped off at Iowa City Fab Lab (870 S. Capitol St- ring the bell) between 9 am and 5 pm on weekdays or at the East side Iowa City drop-off location (17 Goldfinch Circle- put items on the porch where they will be hidden from street view by the bushes) any time. If these options don’t work, you can also email director@corridorcan.com to make pick-up/drop-off arrangements.
Other ways you can help us return to and sustain service include:
*Providing direct assistance with repairing the rear side-door. Please email director@corridorcan.com if this is something you can do.
*Volunteering to assist with events as a driver (33 foot RV) or shopping assistant. We **desperately** need drivers, especially with weekend availability!! Drivers do need to be approved by our insurance company, so please send your DOB, DL number, and expiration date to director@corridorcan.com.
*Buying a limited edition “DRESS PEOPLE WHERE THEY’RE AT” #CCANClothesCruise shirt via https://www.rayguncustom.com/…/dress-people-where… to support our free mobile clothing closet. This site will be pulled soon, so get yours while you still can!
*Arranging to host a winter clothing/gear/sock drive (or become a long-term drop-off location!) for the free mobile clothing closet (maybe at your place of work?) by emailing director@corridorcan.com. #CCANClothesCruise #ClothingDrive
*Volunteering as a route coordinator, volunteer coordinator, and/or fundraising assistant by emailing director@corridorcan.com
*Donating your extra hooks, racks, hangers, bins, and other improvement/organizational supplies by dropping them off at Iowa City Fab Lab (870 S. Capitol St, IC) between 9 am and 5 pm on weekdays or emailing director@corridorcan.com.
*Hosting a fundraiser for us! In addition to the window and door that were broken last week, our windshield needs repaired and gas, insurance, parking, and other maintenance expenses are ongoing. Email director@corridorcan.com
*Donating needed items by ordering from our Amazon Wishlist at https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/B8MQROFR18WR….
* Letting us know what locations you think we should add to our popup routes!
*Getting your business or institution to sponsor #CCANClothesCruise and having your logo included in promotional materials and eventually on the vehicle itself. Email director@corridorcan.com
The Mobile Clothing Closet simultaneously addresses an unmet need for free clothing resources in the corridor and the high volume of textiles that enter our landfill every year, much of which we can re-route to those in need. For more info on #CCANClothesCruise, check out
We would like to give a huge thank you to our individual donors, our sponsors GreenState Credit Union, North Liberty City Government, MidWestOne Bank, Hills Bank and Trust Company, Veridian Credit Union, Town Square Family Foot Care, Thompson & Co Salon Parlor, ReUnion Brewery, and The Accell Foundation; our supporters Sidekick Coffee & Books, Airport National Golf Course, Maestro Empanadas, RAYGUNshirts, Applebee’s Grill + Bar, Aroma Artisan Pizza, Textiles, Renee’s Ceramic Cafe, Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers, Hudson’s, Big Grove Brewery, The Map Room, Speedeezz Indoor Karting, Kae Apothecary Brass Ring Coffee, Monica’s, Shop Iowa, Molly’s Cupcakes Iowa City, Iowa City Downtown District, Players, Andrew’s Bar Exam, The Chocolate Haus, Prairie Kitchen Store, Vue Rooftop, WOOFABLES, AOK Photography, Cedar Ridge Wine & Distillary, Quinton’s Bar & Deli Coralville, CHOMP Delivery, Tru Salon, Short’s Marion, Iowa City Fab Lab, Cielo Goods, Collins Community Credit Union, The Savvy Boutique, Texas Roadhouse Coralville, Fortuna Gaming Cafe; and everyone who has participated in the fundraisers we’ve held to date. We couldn’t have made it this far without you!
Learn more about CCAN and the work we do by watching this video from the North Liberty Public Library- Corridor Community Action Network – YouTube