Weekly Action

Weekly Action | 09/06/21 – 09/12/21

Discover ways to help this week in the Iowa Corridor! 09/06/21 – 09/12/21

Monday, 09/06/21

Cook and deliver a meal for 25 people to St. John of the Cross Catholic Worker House in Cedar Rapids between 7 am and 5 pm. Please call Larissa at 319-362-9041 with any questions.

6:30-7:30 pm: Organizing for Change Workshop: Handling Difficult Conversations

Tuesday, 09/07/21

9 am: Linn County Board of Supervisors Meeting, Formal Board Room—Jean Oxley Public Service Center 935 2nd St. SW

View the agenda.

12-1 pm: Truth Tuesdays Protest

3 pm: Virtual Summer Crip Camp Review with Iowa Disabliity League and #UpgradeMedicaid

3-5 pm: Burn-Out, Organizational Relationship Building, Interventions, & Wellness Accountability Teams with National Harm Reduction Coalition

4 pm: Marion City Council Work Session

Zoom Meeting ID# 835 2751 4306

View the agenda.

5 pm: Iowa City Community School District School Board Work Session, Educational Services Center Room 142C, 1725 N Dodge Street

View the agenda.

Action: Attend the meeting and hold signs demanding the school board enstate a mask mandate to protect our children.

5:30 pm: Reunión de Cobildo de Iowa City, Excluded Worker Fund Coalition gathering as City Manager Geoff Fruin presents his plan to the city council of Iowa City.

5:30 pm: Humans For Racial Justice Gathering. Contact for information.

6 pm: Iowa City Council Meeting The Center – Assembly Room- 28 S. Linn Street

View the agenda.

7 pm: West Branch City Council Meeting

Dial in phone number: 1-312-626-6799 with Meeting ID 532 252 7574

View the agenda.

7 pm: Tiffin City Council Meeting (City Hall, 300 Railroad St)

Wednesday, 09/08/21

8 am-12 pm: Woodland Wednesday Volunteer Day

9 am: Johnson County Board of Supervisors Meeting (913 South Dubuque Street, Iowa City)

Zoom Link:  Meeting ID: 843 8801 0803, Passcode: 4468

View the agenda.

1-3 pm: Fixing The School To Prison Pipeline

3-4:30 pm: Undoing Drugs Panel

3:45-6:15 pm: Volunteers needed for Mobile Pantry to Ecumenical Towers

7-9 pm: Citizen Assembly: Solution-Oriented Civil Discussions

8 pm: Volunteer to prepare “grab-n-go bags for Family Emergency Preparedness Disaster Starter Kits which will be distributed to underserved, vulnerable populations in our communities”

8-9 pm: Orientation for Prospective Foster/Adoptive Parents: ONLINE or phone

Thursday, 09/09/21

10 am-2 pm: Science Thursdays Blood Drive, MERF Atrium, IC

4:30-6:30 pm: North Liberty Community Pantry Open Garden Volunteer Time

4:30-7:00 pm: Volunteers needed for Mobile Pantry to Forest View Mobile Home Park

5:00 pm: Marion Community Equity Task Force Meeting

5:30 pm: Marion City Council Formal Meeting

5:30pm: Johnson County Board of Supervisors Formal Meeting, 913 South Dubuque Street, IC

Meeting ID: 843 8801 0803, Passcode: 4468

View the agenda.

Friday, 09/10/21

9-11 am: “Make It OK” Virtual Ambassador Training

12 pm: Iowa Chapter Sierra Club Lunch & Learn on Facebook Live

Saturday, 09/11/21

8 am: Trashmore 5k for Epilepsy Foundation

9-11 am: Cedar Rapids 9/11 Day of Service & Remembrance Project Event

COOK a meal and provide beverages for about 60 people to Iowa City Catholic Worker House. Deliver to 1414 Sycamore Street by 2:30pm. Questions can be directed to Kim or Tom at (319-400-1645). If you want to cook but cannot deliver, please email us at We can probably arrange pick up and drop off if needed.

COOK a meal for guests, families, and caregivers at The Bird House – Hospice Home of Johnson County (6 adults). Deliver to 8 Lime Kiln Lane in Iowa City, preferably by 5pm. Call 319-499-1882 when you arrive, and they will come out to get it. If you want to cook but cannot deliver, please email us at We can probably arrange pick up and drop off if needed.

4-7 pm: Iowa City Catholic Worker House Open Volunteer Hours

Call (515) 729-6482

Sunday, 09/12/21

12-4 pm: Iowa City Catholic Worker Open Volunteer Hours

Call (515) 729-6482

6-7 pm: Iowa City Sunrise Movement Weekly Meeting

All Week

Help CCAN This Week

Mobile Community Clothing Closet Update

We looked at a motor home over the weekend that we may purchase this week but are still looking at other vehicles and for a reasonably-priced mechanic willing to travel to look at the one under consideration.

Please still let us know if you are aware of any vehicles that would work well for this service, as nothing is yet finalized.

A motorhome would be especially ideal as it would allow us to offer showers and carry cold water and snacks. A donation of a vehicle would mean we could cover customization and first year operating expenses to start service immediately. A great deal on one would put us closer!

Have an idea for a Mobile Closet fundraiser?

We’re also still brainstorming for more ideas for to help us cover the remaining clothing closet expenses. If you or your business are willing to sponsor this project, host a fundraising event for it, or donate an item or service for our auction, please message the page or email

Online Auction

Join our Auction Group for the chance to win some great items from local businesses and support our efforts to bring a Free Mobile Clothing Closet to The Corridor! Watch for clothing, tea items, and gift cards to be posted this week!

RayGun Shirt Fundraiser

Don’t forget we now have RayGun Shirts!!! Get your limited edition “DRESS PEOPLE WHERE THEY’RE AT” #CCANClothesCruise shirt.

Why The Mobile Clothing Closet Matters

The Mobile Clothing Closet will simultaneously address an unmet need for free clothing resources in the corridor and the high volume of textiles that enter our landfill every year, much of which we will be able to re-route to those in need. We already have two storage sheds full of donated clothing- we just need the truck! 

For more info on #CCANClothesCruise, check out the Englert’s podcast featuring an interview with our director.

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